
In today’s business world, “solutions” is such an overrated word. It’s used liberally in almost every industry – from computers to cosmetics to contracting. So why would a respected insurance firm like ours dare to use such a highly-abused term in this brochure?

Mainly, because it’s the only word that accurately describes what we do best: create real-world benefits solutions for companies of all sizes – particularly for those operating within the healthcare arena and other related industries.


Our team of experts will patiently listen to your challenges, carefully analyze the situation, and then design employee benefit plans that work around your needs; not the other way around. So while “solutions” may be an overused word in the corporate lexicon, at Friedman Associates it’s a guiding word that can never be stressed enough.

Notification To Qualified Participants | Monthly Premium Billing, Termination & Late Notices | Monitoring Of Medicare Entitlement & Social Security Disability | Monthly Reporting Packages & HIPAA Certificates | Premium & Eligibility Reconciliation | State Mandated Notices

Focus on Frideman

Reduce administrative costs and eliminate complex COBRA/HIPAA hassles with our full-service administration, compliance and HR solutions for federally regulated healthcare continuation.